
How Britain compares to the rest of the world on green energy

Picture: Carto/Louis Doré
Picture: Carto/Louis Doré

Over 98 per cent of the electricity production in Norway, Lesotho, Iceland and Albania is generated from hydropower.

This is according to data from the US Energy Information Administration.

Although China is the world's leading renewable energy producer, creating 1,300 renewable terawatt-hours per year, this only amounts to 21 per cent of its total generation.

Countries by renewable energy as per cent of total generation

As far as the UK goes, we come in at just under 12 per cent, behind France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the United States.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) was scrapped in the wake of Theresa May's premiership, replaced by the newly created Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy department.

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