Alex Barrett
Aug 31, 2017

Shayda Habib/Facebook
A Texas Pizza Hut manager went the extra mile this week to deliver pizzas to people trapped in flooded homes near her premises.
When Shayda Habib found out that people nearby were trapped in flooded homes due to Hurricane Harvey, she gathered her employees and had them prepare as many pizzas as they could.
They also commandeered a number of kayaks and used them to deliver the hot meals to neighbouring families in Oak Lake.
Habib said, in a press release sent by the company to media outlets:
When I heard there were families in need, I knew we needed to act fast. I called my husband and asked him to gather up kayaks and meet me at the restaurant.
The story has since received significant attention online.
Habib told the Houston Chronicle:
We packed 120 pizzas into kayaks and took them out to people in their homes.
The people in the houses didn’t expect us to come. It was so nice to see their smiles after so much gloom.
She said on Wednesday that she plans to deliver more pizzas on Thursday.
Many praised the manager's decision to offer assistance to those in need, while critics opposed the company's decision to publicise the story via a press release.
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