Moya Lothian-McLean
Jan 10, 2020

Today it emerged that homophobic hate crimes in London have increased by 55 per cent in just five years.
That figure represents harrowing and traumatic experiences suffered by more than 3,000 LGBTQ+ individuals just trying to live their lives.
Like the story reported on Twitter yesterday by London-based man whose partner became the victim of a horrifying homophobic attack while working in a charity shop.
The couple initially posted about the incident on Twitter, but have now made their account - which typically talked about gardening - private in order to maintain the victim's anonymity, saying:
We wish to remain anonymous as this time whilst the physiological impact of the incident can be understood and dealt with privately.
The original tweet, seen by indy100, said:
He was covering a charity shop on what was meant to be his day off, someone came in doused him in bleach whilst shouting homophobic abuse.
It went on to say that his partner had been given immediate first aid when the incident happened but had suffered minor burns and eye damage.
The victim was released from the hospital that evening, thankfully with no lasting physical injuries, and the event was reported to the police.
But his partner highlighted his worry that the attack – which he said was completely unprovoked – would set back progress he had made after receiving treatment for PTSD.
The victim suffers from dissociative seizures and amnesia as a result of his condition and has found gardening helps manage the stress of symptoms.
In response, the pair received an outpouring of solidarity and support, and say the deluge of well-wishes has helped to restore their hope in people.
Hate withers, love blooms.
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