No, we're not counting your boozey weekend in Bournemouth. In fact, no one should speak of that again.
Bateaux London Cruises looked at the average prices of 20 cities around the world to see how London compared.
They found that:
- Reykjavik had the most expensive hotels, for a one night stay in a three star hotel (£156.62), London was 16 per cent above the average (£99.06).
- Barcelona has the best value restaurants, for one person to enjoy breakfast, lunch and a three course dinner (£35.73).
- London was found to be the best place to explore culture and heritage, boasting the British Museum, National Gallery, the V&A Museum and the Natural History Museum. Prices were also comparatively favourable.
View the interactive map below:
Here's the rankings:
London only placed above average in terms of hotel costs and breakfast.
The methodology was defined as such:
Data is calculated on a cost per person basis with travel dates from 26/01/2017 to 29/01/2017. Average hotel price based on a one night stay in a 3* hotel. Prices were taken from https://www.trivago.co.uk/ to find the average price of 100 hotels. Outbound travel calculates the average cost of the cheapest return ticket flying from 5 major UK airports. Travel costs for visiting London is based on the average price of a rail fair. Ticket prices taken from 10 city based train stations in the UK. Average cost of eating breakfast, lunch and a three course meal taken from 100 restaurants within the city, equal variation of price range. Average cost of a pint of beer/glass of wine taken from 100 restaurants/bars within the city, equal variation of price range. The entry prices of 5 top rated tourist venues calculate overall cost of visiting attractions. Total price for each city reflects the averages.
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