
Hillary Clinton says she's 'living rent-free inside of Donald Trump's brain'

Defeated US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been experiencing something of a comeback of late.

Having kept a relatively low profile over the last two years, she appeared with husband Bill on the Comedy Central show Klepper earlier this week to record a reading of everyone's favourite passage from the Mueller report.

Hillary reads aloud the account of Donald Trump reacting to the news that Robert Mueller has been appointed FBI special counsel to investigate whether his campaign colluded with Russia to beat her to the finish line in November 2016.

The president is quoted as saying in the 448-page dossier:

Oh my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f***ed!

Clinton followed that by guesting on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show on Wednesday night to offer her thoughts on US attorney general William Barr, who had just endured a torrid time in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee after he was called on to answer questions about his handling of the report.

Democratic senators grilled Barr for four hours about his decision-making and called on him to resign over an apparent lie to Congress over whether or not he knew Mueller was unhappy with the assessment he published outlining the report's conclusions. Barr had previously said no but a letter from Mueller discovered by The Washington Post has since suggested otherwise.

Republicans, not least committee chairman Lindsey Graham, fought hard to turn the conversation back towards the now infamous leak of Hillary Clinton's emails when she was secretary of state under Barack Obama but nothing could save Barr from a mauling.

Asked by Maddow about conspiracy-minded Republicans' obsession with her, Hillary answered:

This is as big a sign of a guilty conscience, a real fear, that you could possibly have.

I mean, I'm living rent-free inside of Donald Trump's brain, and it's not a very nice place to be, I can tell you that.

I've been investigated repeatedly by the other side and, much to their dismay but to my satisfaction, it's been for naught.

Yikes. Imagine being trapped inside The Donald's head. Hard to believe it's not all discarded cheeseburger wrappers and old copies of TV Guide.

She went on:

I guess it is one of their tools to fire up their hard-core base.

When in doubt, go after me... They know better. But this is part of their whole technique to divert attention from what the real story is.

The real story is the Russians interfered in our election. And Trump committed obstruction of justice. That's the real story.

Hillary has previously mocked Trump's determination to dig up scandal on her on Twitter.

She replied to this tweet on 5 March this year...

...with an expertly deployed gif featuring Rachel McAdams from the 2004 teen comedy Mean Girls.

More: Hillary Clinton mocks Trump with Mean Girls gif after president gloats about not running against her in 2020

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