
Hillary Clinton calls out Trump for racism, sexism, and homophobia - and she doesn't hold back

Hillary Clinton took down president Donald Trump on Tuesday, and she didn't hold back.

The former presidential nominee was speaking at the Atlantic Events Festival in Washington DC, when she took aim at the president, calling him racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and sexist.

During the 30 minute interview with the Atlantic's editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, she covered a number of topics, but focused on her one-time-rival Donald Trump, his policies, and the Supreme Court Judge nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and Dr Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that he sexually assaulted him in 1982.

She declined to comment, however, on Trump's mental state, or his motives, reports the Daily Mail.

First, Goldberg asked Clinton if she thought Trump was racist, and she responded:

I think he has thrown his lot in with many people and groups whose stated objection is white nationalism, white supremacy, how could you explain what he did and why after Charlottesville?

Speaking directly of Charlottesville, she said that she thought it was:

One of the most troubling episodes in this presidency.

Goldberg then pressed her on the issue of whether she thought Trump was a racist. He suggested that if someone "consorts with racists, takes advantage of racists to elevate him... how do you define this?"

In response to the question, Clinton didn't hold back in her assessment of the president, and said:

Well, what he is doing is broader even than that, because he has been racist, he has been sexist, he has been Islamophobic, he has been anti-LGBTQ. There is a long list.

Clinton didn't stop there. She then decided to hit Trump where it hurts - his extremely empty January 2017 inauguration, which she attended with her husband Bill

Speaking to Goldberg, she said:

I've been to every inauguration since 1993.

There weren't that many people there let's be honest.

Trump was said to be angry at reports that more people attended Barack Obama's inauguration than his own.

This isn't the first time that Clinton has taken aim at the social justice credentials of Donald Trump and his supporters. In 2016, speaking at a fundraiser, while she was a presidential nominee, she said that Trump supporters were:

A basket of deplorables.

She then continued that his supporters were made up of:

The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic - you name it.

She was forced to apologise for the comments, reports Sky News.

HT The Daily Mail

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