According to the Financial Times, hedge funds run by women outperformed those run by their male counterparts in 2017.
Measurements of hedge fund performance such as the HFRI Fund Weighted Composite index showed all hedge funds returned 4.81 per cent in the first seven months of 2017.
By contrast, the HFRX Women index, which looks at women run hedge funds, returned 9.95 per cent in the same time frame.
The figures show a consistent trend in female run hedge funds outperforming male hedge funds since 2007.
This is despite the lack of women represented at the top of the industry.
The Financial Times also reports that a 2015 study by Northeastern University found that only 439 hedge funds employ a female portfolio manager.
9,081 employ a male in the same role.
A 2017 study by Harvard and the Bella Research Group found that women own 1 per cent of the industry's assets, and only 4.3 per cent of hedge fund firms are at least 25 per cent owned by women.
In the UK, one in 10 fund managers are female.