
Tom Harwood accused Greta Thunberg of never having to 'work a day in her life' and people pointed out the obvious

Since the UK voted to leave the EU, terrible takes have been everywhere.

From immigration to Ireland, no area hasn’t been spared the terrible-take-treatment. Yet it is climate change that has become the latest front in the Twitter culture war – and wow, the opinions are bad.

Brexiteers have made no secret of their disdain for climate activist Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion movement.

Just days after suggesting police should use tasers on Extinction Rebellion climate protestors who were participating in global climate strikes, Guido Fawkes reporter Tom Harwood has laid into Thunberg on Twitter.

Naturally, people on Twitter pointed out the obvious point – that it’s fairly ridiculous to criticise a 16 year-old for not having worked a lot.

Also, Thunberg’s had other things on her plate, like sailing across the Atlantic to school world leaders on their climate failings.

More: Iowa teacher suspended after 'sniper rifle' comment about Greta Thunberg

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