
Greta Thunberg mocks climate change deniers with simple but brilliant Halloween costume

This year has seen a major uptick in political Halloween costumes, mostly because, well, what's scarier than politics right now?

One person who knows just how terrifying she is to a certain kind of person is 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg.

Posting to Twitter, she said: "So today is Halloween. I don’t celebrate it back home, but I thought I might give it a try."

Showing she has a sense of humour about the cruel bullying she has to endure from men 4x her age, she added:

And apparently when it comes to scaring a bunch of angry climate crisis deniers - I don’t even have to dress up!!

Attached to the tweet was a picture of Greta dressed as, well, herself, with a sign reading, 'skolstrejk för klimatet,' which translates as 'school strike for the climate.'

Naturally, the tweet attracted a few haters, but for the most part the people responding had very positive things to say.

In fact, a lot of them even said that they or their kids had dressed up as Greta for Halloween, with one saying, "not all heroes wear capes".

More: Greta Thunberg rejects environmental prize because the ‘climate doesn’t need awards’​

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