Bridie Pearson-Jones
Jul 04, 2017

When we think about weight loss, we tend to think about salads, smoothies and treadmills.
We don't imagine sausage rolls, pizza, and doughnuts as the key to success when trying to lose a few pounds.
Well, Greggs may be about to change all that.
Yes, really.
The food-to-go chain have launched a diet plan, which allegedly works and means you can eat pizza, sausage rolls and almond bakes.
The plan has been dubbed 'Minimise Me' and was trialed by four women and one man who ate only Greggs for a month. They ended up collectively dropping and impressive two stone and losing 14 inches from their waists.
The plan was created wit the help of dietician Laura Clark, who claims the average person can lose 1-2 lbs a week on the plan.
She said:
For many people, time and money are big factors in their struggle to make eating habits healthier to maintain a more balanced lifestyle - particularly when they are on the go and have such busy lives. Working alongside Greggs, my aim of this diet was to provide a supportive, holistic approach to recognising and then changing long term food and lifestyle habits as part of overall weight management goals. It’s been a great challenge to work on and to see surprisingly how many lower calorie options Greggs now actually offers across its range.
It's not witchcraft. The plan uses mostly porridge, fresh salads, wraps, fruit and cold pressed juices with the occasion treat of a sausage roll or slice or pizza.
Here's a sample menu from the plan.
Hannah Barth, 29, who lost over a stone in the plan said:
I put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy and have struggled to lose it since my son was born. Like any new mum I’m always rushing around so have found it difficult to find the time to diet. The Greggs Minimise Me plan was so simple to follow and incredibly convenient, making it easy to stay on track. I’m thrilled to have lost over a stone and have made positive adjustments to my lifestyle, being more active which has resulted in more energy - I’ll definitely continue with a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
Laura Clark added these top tips for healthy weight loss:
- Monitor what you're eating either through a diary, online tool or quick photos taken on your phone. Raising awareness of the food you put in your mouth is a powerful first step and those that monitor their intake have been shown to double their weight loss.
- Don’t be afraid of eating on the go – there are lots of healthier options out there. Try opting for a salad or low calorie wrap for your lunch.
- Try to eat breakfast every day! This sets you up for the day. Porridge pots are a great option if you’re pushed for time and eating on the go.
- Look at how much protein you’re eating. Regulating it across the day and including at each meal or snack can help to keep you fuller. Lean protein sources are best - chicken, eggs, fish and pulses for example. Look at the ways that fitting light exercise into your day can lead to a healthy lifestyle.
- Regular exercise tends to breed healthier dietary habits. Using a step tracker to aim for the national guideline of 10,000 steps per day is a great start to burning more calories. ​
More: Americans actually think they've just discovered the sausage roll
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