Darren Richman
Dec 14, 2017

The Original Tour
You might be a fan of Bing or nostalgic for Ask Jeeves but there's no denying it; when it comes to searching the internet, Google reigns supreme.
One UK tour company, The Original Tour, has delved into the depths of Google and compiled a list of autocomplete searches by country.
Basically, the company typed in "Why is Britain" or "Why are Brits" and noted down the top autocomplete results from around the world. The infographics produced are pretty special.
Some of the answers are political in nature; with the most common result in Cyprus being "Why are the British army in Cyprus?". People in Russia apparently ask "Why did Britain leave the EU?" and those in Indonesia want to know "Why did the British colonise the land of Malay?" All fair questions and not all that surprising.
Some are slightly more personal and hurtful, such as Germans wanting to know why Brits are ugly, people in Spain wondering why we have bad teeth, and Canadians pondering why the inhabitants of this island are so miserable. People in Ireland, meanwhile, most commonly searched for the answer to the perennial question, "Why are Brits so negative?"
Here's a fun breakdown:
Picture: The Original Tour
That's what the world wants to know about us, but what do we want to know about the world?
Here's what we Google.
Picture: The Original Tour
Why do Americans love guns?
Picture: The Original Tour
Picture: The Original Tour
Of course our major question about Australia involved Eurovision.
Picture: The Original Tour
Picture: The Original Tour
Last but not least, the Brits actually asked some thoughtful questions about Africa.
Google away and hopefully, we'll have some more entertaining answers at the end of 2018.
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