Harriet Marsden
Oct 31, 2016
Anyone who's ever suffered from an ingrown toenail knows something of the demented agony.
But what if you had to stand it for a year?
Teenage girl Hannah Moore suffered for a whole year's worth of agony in her toe and foot, until she paid £5,000 for an elective, below-the-knee leg amputation.
She'd been diagnosed by local doctors with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), possibly brought on by the minor surgery she'd had to remove the nail.
PIcture: Screenshot/ITV
According to Hannah, who appeared on ITV'S This Morning programme, the pain was "constant, relentless".
If anything touched it, the wind, the rain or anyone brushed it it would cause me absolute agony.
While she acknowledges that her decision, which was initially met with disbelief from her family and friends, may seem extreme to some, Hannah is very pleased with her new life.
"I was overwhelmed with happiness that it was over and I could move on, and I was getting a prosthetic leg and I can move on with life."
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