
Jeremy Corbyn is doing impressions of Boris Johnson again and people are here for it

Jeremy Corbyn spoke at a Labour conference earlier today, where he delivered an unerringly accurate impression of Boris Johnson.

During a speech about freedom of movement, the prime minister hopeful recalled the time he spotted his rival in a voting lobby.

He said: "The EU nationals should have a guarantee right to remain in Britain and a right of family reunion."

You know what? Boris Johnson voted for it. I was slightly puzzled when I walked in to the division lobby to cast my vote and I saw him there. 

I know he'd been through a lot of stress in the campaign so I said, 'What are you doing here?'

And he said, 'Oh I don't know, really.' That was about it really, that was the end of the conversation. 

So yes, there has to be that movement of people and yes, our young people do need access to the Erasmus.

Corbyn's impression of the prime minister is really good

This isn't the first time Jeremy has engaged in a spot of comedy.

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