The Only Way is Brexit. Well, perhaps not, but for the last two and a half years it’s felt like we’ve barely talked about anything else.
With Theresa May’s deal seemingly unable to pass, after three attempts, and an extension to Article 50, no one’s quite sure what to do next. The last two weeks have seen mass protests on either side of the debate, so the nation seems more divided than ever.
But could there be an unlikely saviour?
Queen of the ice, shoulder-pad aficionado and “divaship” earner Gemma Collins has offered her services. Thank goodness for that!
Appearing on Good Morning Britain, reality star Collins said she voted to Leave the EU in 2016 and would do again.
She continued:
But I think Theresa needs to lead our nation, take a deep breath Theresa, make a deal and let’s move forward. If you’re a leader in this country, take the lead and own it and people will follow.
Finally, she offered her services to help break the Brexit deadlock.
If you need some help hun, I’m free for an hour after the show.
It hasn’t been long since Collins was photographed with May’s political opponent Jeremy Corbyn, so perhaps she is the unlikely figure to bring the country together.
To be honest, at this point, anything is worth a try.
We now go LIVE to Gemma negotiating with the EU:
More: Gemma Collins just did another awful interview and it was printed in full