Joe Vesey-Byrne
Oct 21, 2016

The Sun
The Sun has published calls for Gary Lineker to be sacked from the BBC after he posted his 'political' views on Twitter.
Earlier this week, Lineker retweeted a post (which has since been deleted) from TACT Foster & Adopt, a foster care charity, who said one of the migrant children photographed arriving in Britain from Calais was a Home Office interpreter.
This is a picture of an adult interpreter working for @ukhomeoffice
Lineker retweeted with the comment: 'Wow! Surely not?'
The refugee had been accused by some newspapers of being older than 18. The information that he was an interpreter was then confirmed to have been false.
Prior to this, Lineker had been criticised by another report in the Sun for calling the media treatment of refugees 'hideously racist'.
On Friday morning the tabloid put Lineker on the front page:
The Sun summarizes Lineker's critics as being annoyed that the sports presenter is breaching BBC impartiality with his 'political tweets', and also that the message he retweeted is 'a lie'.
Millionaire Lineker went on to retweet a charity's lie that the oldest-looking asylum seeker pictured with new arrivals was a Home Office interpreter.
People on social media have pointed out that the Sun has previously been forced to print clarifications with regard to its stories about immigrants.
In 2013, it issued this clarification to its website at 4.48 am, and then in print.
Picture: The Sun
Responding to the Sun's headline on Friday morning, Lineker Tweeted:
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