
Game of Thrones’ latest episode caused an absolute meme meltdown

It is highly unlikely that anyone has already recovered from last night's Game of Thrones episode.

Even after eight years, this show still manages to take us by surprise. And the latest episode didn't disappoint.

While you might have been smitten by the reunion in the first episode or feeling weirdly giddy during the unexpected sexiness of the second episode, episode three just squashes all those nice feelings and we were sent straight back to the dark side of Game of Thrones.

And as per usual, the internet totally lost it. We've rounded up some of the best reactions, but be warned: there some pretty massive spoilers ahead.

Lady Mormont was the woman of the hour and everyone was there for it.

Arya Stark did in a second what took Jon Snow episodes to do.

And while everyone was being slaughtered, those in the crypts were just chilling.

But no one was chilling as much as Bran, who just didn't want to deal with all the drama.

One of the saddest moments of was death of the loyal Jorah, who really has been around for what seems like forever.

And last but not least, another death which was, shall we say, less sad.

Meanwhile, Game of Thrones heaven just got a whole lot bigger.

HT Buzzfeed

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