Greg Evans
Jan 05, 2018

Cast your mind back to summer last year when Wonder Woman was dominating cinemas around the globe.
Gal Gadot's spellbinding turn as the DC superhero became a worldwide sensation winning praise from fans and critics alike.
Even Ryan Reynolds couldn't get enough of Diana of Themyscira. However, there was one person that didn't agree with the popular consensus.
In an interview with the Guardian, Avatar and Titanic director James Cameron blasted the positive reaction to the movie as "misguided" and claimed that Wonder Woman was an "objectified icon."
The 63-year-old said:
All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood’s been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided.
She’s an objectified icon, and it’s just male Hollywood doing the same old thing! I’m not saying I didn’t like the movie but, to me, it’s a step backwards.
This stance from Cameron could be seen as a little odd considering that many of his movies, from The Terminator to Aliens, have featured dominant and heroic female characters as their leads.
At the time Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins hit back at Cameron in a lengthy Twitter post.
Despite Jenkins opposition to Cameron's comments, Gal Gadot decided to remain silent on the issue until now.
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Israeli actress pointed out that Cameron happened to be promoting his own movie (a 3D re-release of Terminator 2) at the time and that she didn't want to give him any more attention.
In her perfect response, she said:
Because I didn’t want to give him the stage. First of all, I’m a big fan of his work. His movies are great.
He was very innovative in many things that he did, and I’ve got nothing but great things to say about the creative and professional side of his work.
When it happened, the timing of when it happened, he was promoting another movie of his.
It was like he was looking for publicity and I just didn’t want to give him the stage.
HT Mashable
More: Gal Gadot became friends with a young Wonder Woman fan at Comic-Con and it was perfect
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