
Flight attendant shares sobering reason why you shouldn’t wear a t-shirt on a plane

Flight attendant shares sobering reason why you shouldn’t wear a t-shirt on a plane
Spirit Airlines flight attendant tries to break up fight in wild video
New York Post / VideoElephant

There is nothing Brits love more than hopping on a flight to warmer climates when the weather isn’t matching expectations, but a flight attendant has revealed the reason you should never wear a t-shirt on a plane.

The internet is awash with travel tips, like who to secure a free flight upgrade or advice on what to do if someone wants to trade seats with you.

When it comes to what to actually wear on a plane, many people wouldn’t give it a second thought. However, according to a flight attendant, it’s one of the most important things to consider.

Andrea Fischbach, a member of American Airlines’ cabin crew, explained why wearing a t-shirt could have some grim consequences if things go wrong on a flight.

Speaking to, Fischbach explained: “I travelled a lot growing up, and one rule my mother made me follow, that I continue to follow to this day, is to always have my body covered.

“Emergency slides are not fun to go down and hurt - a lot - and it’s not a smooth landing once you reach the end of the slide. The more you cover the surface of your skin, the more protection for your largest organ.”

In the extreme event of having to use an emergency slide to get off a plane, wearing clothing that covers your skin can help prevent injuries in what would be an already distressing situation.

Fischbach also warned against wearing clothing that has fringe or is perhaps made from flammable materials.

She added: “She continued: “Going a bit extreme here, but there is always a risk with long fringe should the plane have a fire.

“While our uniforms have polyester in them, I always wonder and worry myself that they could be a hazard if they got too close to extreme heat and melt on us.”

Fischbach advised that people limit their fitted, restrictive clothing, as it’s important for blood to be able to flow easily around the body to reduce the risk of blood clots.

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