Bethany Dawson
Feb 18, 2021

In a new interview with Elle magazine, FKA twigs has detailed the alleged abuse that she experienced at the hands of actor Shia LaBeouf, stating that he would boast about shooting stray dogs.
In December 2020, Twigs filed a lawsuit against LaBeouf for sexual battery, assault, and infliction of emotional distress.
Now, the singer-songwriter is sharing more painful claims about her time with the American actor.
Twigs, whose real name is Tahlia Barnett, said that LaBeouf would shoot stray dogs in order to prepare for his role in the The Tax Collector.
When Twigs asked him why he would do that, LaBeouf would allegedly reply: “Because I take my art seriously. You’re not supporting me in my art. This is what I do. It’s different from singing. I don’t just get up on a stage and do a few moves. I’m in the character’” Twigs said this made her feel “bad”, and that she “didn’t understand what it was like to be an actor or to do this… method [acting technique].”
Read more: FKA twigs says recovering from alleged abuse is ‘hardest thing I’ve ever tried to do’
LaBeouf’s legal team have denied these claims.
Twigs told Elle that she never expected this to happen to a woman like her.
She described the building of abuse with the ‘frog in boiling water analogy’: “If you put a frog in boiling water, it jumps out. If you put a frog in cold water and slowly raise the temperature to boiling, the amphibian won’t notice the temperature change and will stay in the boiling pot.”
Twigs says it’s incremental changes like that that led to her situation.
If you or someone you know has experienced domestic violence, call the following for help:
Domestic Violence Assist – 0800 195 8699
National Centre for Domestic Violence – 0800 970 2070
Victim Support – 0808 168 9 111
In an emergency always call 999.
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