We’ve all been in situations where we were pinched for time and had to grab something quick or were hungry and wanted to whip up something quick because we felt a little lazy.
But is there one quick go-to meal that you gravitate to?
A Reddit thread uncovered some answers.
The thread was started by u/SandandS0n, who asked this question: “What’s your go-to under 5 minute meal?”
And let’s just say, people haven’t hesitated to open up about their favorites, some of which you may have tried, or may consider the next time you’re in a rush.
Without further fuss, check out some fellow Redditors’ favorite go-to meals.
1. Two hotdogs and a side of judgement from my fiancé. —u/imholdr
Are the hotdogs missing condiments? Do they lack a little pizazz? That’s the only time we’ll judge- just kidding!
2. All I do is get a paper towel and put 5 Oreos on it. —u/KeengPeach
Nothing like getting a classic snack of Oreos, but hold the plate.
3. Oatmeal with a nut butter mixed in while it’s still hot. Add fruit/crushed nuts too! Good s***. - u/pattimay_ho_nnaise
Not only is this one of the quickest meals, adding things to it like fruits packs in the flavor.
4. If I’m feeling extra froggy, I’ll add Nutella to the peanut butter and honey sandwich and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Goes down about as well as a Popeye’s biscuit though. — u/saluki352
Although tasty, you at least need a glass of milk.
5. Lettuce sandwich. Iceberg, and cheap bread. Free Mayo packets you snag from the deli area if no one is looking. —u/jarmander6
This is like salad and bread in one!
6. I just boil some water in an electric kettle, and in the meantime, I put the seasoning in my bowl with the raw egg and put the ramen on top and then just pour the water on it and let it sit and stir until it’s good. — u/BassieDep
Way to bring the gourmet to ramen packets!
7. 6 bags of fruit snacks. — u/Soggy-Ladder-8513
And as Redditor u/arcaneresistance said best: “Sounds like 4 days worth of joy.”
8. Pre-cooked s*** in the air fryer. —u/Raven_of_Blades
You get to eat all the fried food without all the excess oil. Who doesn’t love a good air fryer?
9. Naan bread and a tub of hummus. —u/CharlotteLucasOP
Flavorful and filling all at once.
10. Quesadilla. Super quick and easy to make and there’s a ton of ingredients that you can add without much effort that will make it even better —u/Arcinbiblo12
11. BBQ chips in a tuna salad sandwich when I was a kid. Now I prefer jalapeno kettle chips. —u/CrankyOldLady1
If you’re on the go and want a sandwich and chips, putting the chips on top is the perfect option. You also get a nice crunch in every bite!
12. My husband used to have to eat rice for every meal when he was a kid. For breakfast, they’d make the rice and put grape jelly on it. Blew my mind the first time he told me about that. We grew up very differently. —u/Horrorgoreandlove
It would probably be sweet, like rice pudding.
13. Noodles wrapped in a tortilla is legitimately tasty. — u/ShiraCheshire
One word: Yum.
14. When I was crazy broke I use to eat toast sandwiches. 1 slice of toast between 2 of bread. The toast tastes different and had a different texture so mixes it up a bit, and you can normally get a loaf of bread for 50 cents or so and it will fill you up. EDIT: I’m in a much better place now and always keep my cupboards stocked these days. Much love to everyone who was concerned and sent good wishes.—u/Zonie1069
This seems like a new version of Taco Bell’s crunch wrap supreme, without the beef.