
Fetish company donates its entire 'medical' clothing stock to the NHS to help fight coronavirus

You know things are bad when the NHS is asking a medical fetishwear company to donate clothing.

No, you aren’t living in a simulation, this is actually happening.

A medical fetish store has tweeted to say that it is donating its entire stock of hospital scrubs to the NHS to help fight coronavirus.

In recent weeks the NHS has been searching for extra supplies of protective gear and clothing for its staff.

Emily Lawson, chief commercial officer for the NHS, said in a press release:

We need massively increased, urgent volume of these supplies to the frontline in this exceptional set of circumstances.

Responding to the NHS’s plight, Medical fetish store Medfet said it has been “sought out as a last-resort supplier to our National Health Service”, and therefore decided to donate its entire stock of disposable scrubs to the NHS. The online store claims to be “100 per cent dedicated to medical fetish, kink and role play”, and apparently stocks more than 250 medical-grade garms.

In a scathing Twitter thread, the store accused the government of lying to the public by saying that the NHS is getting everything it needs.

They said that the NHS contacting them indicates that something is “seriously wrong”.

On Twitter, people were obsessed with this fetish company's generosity.

If you want to know more ways to help the NHS, here's some suggestions.

But MedFet, you're doing amazing sweetie.

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