
Doctors are discrediting right-wingers who are claiming masks 'lower their oxygen' intake

Wearing a face mask can help save lives by stopping the spread of coronavirus. Fact.

It’s why the government has made face coverings mandatory in shops and supermarkets across England, starting from 24 July.

But right-wingers are claiming the masks “lower their oxygen” levels, making it harder to breathe:

In fact, some Tory party members even cut up their membership cards in protest of the new face-covering regulation that could mean people incur fines of up to £100 if they don’t comply:

But doctors came prepared with all of the receipts.

This one recorded an actual test – for clarity, oxygen intake between 94 to 100 is considered normal – for everyone to see:

This one listed a series of conditions that would “not make a difference” to how much oxygen you inhale:

This doctor also did a little experiment:

This doctor managed to get six masks on at the same time and still recorded no change to how much oxygen he was inhaling:

This doctor said that no surgeon has ever died – to his knowledge – from a lack of oxygen:

This doctor did a run while wearing a mask and still maintained a steady oxygen intake:

And this nurse showed everyone exactly how many layers of masks he wears on a daily basis for hours at a time:

So there you have it – show this to people who think wearing masks lowers your oxygen intake… because doctors can prove it doesn’t.

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