
Eric Trump likes tweet about Michelle Wolf destroying Sarah Sanders

This weekend was the White House Correspondents Dinner, which like most years proved to be a prominent source of controversy.

Donald Trump wasn't in attendance at the event, but that didn't stop his administration and its members from getting royally roasted.

The biggest talking point of the entire evening was the speech delivered by headline comedian Michelle Wolf and her comments about Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, which were brutal to say the least.

The routine has drawn a lot of criticism from Republicans and conservatives, who were clearly offended by Wolf's words, who at one point referred to Sanders as an "Uncle Tom for white women."

It was hardly a great moment for Sanders who looked noticeably uncomfortably as she was only sitting yards away from the comedian.

In the aftermath, she may have been looking for some condolences from her colleagues. But Trump's son Eric put his foot in it by liking a tweet of the moment.

You would think that once this was noticed that someone would tell Eric that maybe he should unlike the tweet - but, amazingly, it is still there at the time of writing it.

Picture: Twitter/ Screengrab

In fairness to Eric, the tweet, which comes from journalist Sarah Reese Jones, is hardly filled with 'LOLS' and 'OMG' acronyms so he may have just gotten confused.

This would not be the first time that Eric has shown a profound misunderstanding of Twitter and how it works.

Eric did, however, did go on to like further two tweets that make more sense in the circumstances - one from his father which condemned Wolf and supported Sanders, so maybe he's finally getting to grips with it.

Picture: Twitter/ Screengrab

HT Daily Dot

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