
Eric Trump called his dad the most ‘beloved figure in US political history’ and it badly backfired

Eric Trump is never short of hyperbole when talking about his dad but he went above and beyond on Tuesday, when he called his father the most ‘beloved political figure in our country’s history.’

Speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, the second eldest of Trump’s sons bemoaned the forthcoming impeachment trial of his father who could be convicted on the grounds of inciting the riot that left five people dead on 6 January in Washington DC. 

Trump started off by getting his facts completely wrong when he complained about the Democrats attempting to impeach the former president as a ‘private citizen.' 

The 37-year-old said: “They tried to manufacture everything under the sun against my father, against all of us. They do it every single day. They continue to do it. Even when he’s a private citizen, they’re still trying to impeach him.”

Trump was actually impeached when he was still president. Just because he’s now a private citizen doesn’t abscond him of any guilt.

Things continued to go off the rails from Trump in this interview as he showered his father’s presidency with praise. He added: “They wanna tar and feather the man. They know he did a great job for this nation. They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history. There are 75 million Americans who would follow him to the end of Earth. I mean, they love the man, they love what he stands for."

While it is true that a lot of Trump supporters have an undying love for the 45th POTUS and he did earn more than 74 million votes in the election, he did still manage to lose the popular vote twice. He also left the White House with a more than 57 per cent disapproval rating, according to some polls. 

The whole interview was somewhat farcical and Eric Trump was appropriately roasted on social media for his flimsly grasp on the truth with some reminding of the many reasons his father will not be missed as president.

Elsewhere, Eric Trump has also managed to anger Scotland by calling Scottish MPs “pathetic” over plans to investigate his father’s business interests in Scotland.

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