Instead of baskets and chocolate eggs, someone dressed as the Easter bunny delivered a few solid punches when they got involved in a fight between a man and a woman in Florida over the weekend.
In a video posted to Instagram on Easter Sunday, a man and woman are seen fighting in front of a restaurant in downtown Orlando. Just as things start getting heated, an Easter bunny comes running in from nowhere and tries to break up the fight.
While the knight in furry white is punching away, onlookers gather around to film the strange incident, with one of them exclaiming:
The Easy bunny is shaking!
The thrilling fight was eventually broken up by a pedestrian and a bike cop who was close by. According to the Orlando Police Department, no one was charged in the tussle.
Nevertheless, the video still makes for an exciting watch and people obviously had a lot to say.
More: 15 of the creepiest Easter bunny photos that you'll ever see