
Man shares beautiful story about his grandmother loving Dungeons and Dragons in her final year

Man shares beautiful story about his grandmother loving Dungeons and Dragons in her final year

Twitter user @AntnHz lost his grandmother recently and shared a beautiful story about bonding after introducing her to Dungeons and Dragons during the last year of her life.

He began a remarkable thread with the sentiment:

My grandmother passed away. Her funerals were today, but here I'd like to talk about the most important thing I couldn't spend too much time on in her eulogy: her love for Dungeons & Dragons. #DnD

He went on to explain:

She started very late, at 75, only a little over a year ago. One day I simply asked her if she'd like to try, and, like always when presented with something new, she said "Of course!". So we grabbed my PHB and built up a character together.

This, however, was only the start of the story.

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