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Nina Massey
Oct 11, 2021

A fisherman watches a meteor during the Draconid meteor shower over Howick rocks in Northumberland ((Owen Humphreys/PA)
PA Wire
Stargazers in some parts of the UK were treated to a display of meteors on Sunday.
The weather threatened to put a dampener on the annual Draconid meteor shower, but the clouds parted for some, offering a glimpse of the spectacular display.
One particularly dazzling meteor shot through the sky over Howick rocks in Northumberland as a fisherman looked on.
Named after the constellation of Draco the dragon, the shower occurs every year and is one of two meteor showers to light up the skies in October.
The shower comes from the debris of comet 21 P/ Giacobini-Zinner and occurs in the Northern Hemisphere.
It can be seen without binoculars or a telescope.