
Ben Shapiro throws ‘tantrum’ about Jill Biden being called ‘Dr’ and brags about going to Harvard

Right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro has weighed into the subject of first lady-elect Jill Biden using the title ‘Dr’ in her name and unsurprisingly he isn’t a fan.

The unnecessary controversy first arose when the Wall Street Journal published an editorial which argued that Biden shouldn’t be using ‘Dr’ in her name. Biden received a doctorate in education (Ed.D) from the university of Delaware in 2007 and anyone with that title has a right to call themselves a doctor. 

However, some people, mostly men aren’t a fan of this. Joseph Epstein, who wrote the Wall Street Journal piece, asked Biden to drop the title from her name. The piece has caused outrage and Biden has offered her response but Shapiro couldn’t resist having his say.

On Twitter, Shapiro tried to claim that only people who have doctorates in ‘hard sciences and medicine’ should call themselves a doctor adding that he is a ‘Juris Doctor’ thanks to his qualification from Harvard Law School.

Shapiro went on to claim on his podcast that, "If you're not impressed by Harvard Law then you certainly should not be impressed by a degree from the University of Delaware in education."

He added another story about an old professor of his who didn’t refer to a woman student who refused to refer to her as a doctor. According to Shapiro the reason that the professor gave was that if he had a heart attack then the student in question wouldn’t be able to help.

Needless to say, Shapiro’s logic on why Biden shouldn’t be called a doctor didn’t exactly go down too well.

So, what we’ve learned from this is that because Shapiro doesn’t call himself a doctor then nobody else can, unless they have a P.h.D in hard science or medicine. Right…

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