
EU council president Donald Tusk reveals what he really thinks about Brexiteers in shock outburst

EU council president Donald Tusk reveals what he really thinks about Brexiteers in shock outburst

European Council president Donald Tusk has launched into a no-holds-barred attack on the people who engineered Brexit without a proper plan on how to carry it out - and it's fair to say he didn't hold back.

In a press conference delivered with the Irish Taioseach Leo Varadkar, Tusk stated that the Irish border issue remained the EU's top priority, that he hoped May would come forward with a 'realistic' plan tomorrow, and that the EU would not be making 'any new offer' to the UK.

He also didn't hold back in his assessment of those who orchestrated Brexit, presumably including people such as Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Michael Gove.

In a brutal statement, he said:

I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted ​#Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely​.

He also reiterated his point on Twitter, just to make sure it didn't go amiss.

Needless to say, the statement was met with a mixed response.

Some agreed with his point.

Others called upon those who they deemed responsible to answer the question.

And got creative. Maybe Nigel Farage would be there?

Or perhaps it looks like a shopping centre?

A Wetherspoons?

Some thought that this kind of knee-jerk reaction was unprofessional.

And others took it as a sign of how well the negotiations must be going.

While others thought it was perfectly reasonable.

And one summed it up.

More: Brexit vote: Boris Johnson told on live TV that the EU will not renegotiate backstop

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