Greg Evans
Aug 14, 2017

Getty Images
Donald Trump's response to violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia has attracted widespread criticism.
At the weekend thousands of far-right protestors congregated in the city for a controversial march dubbed "Unite the Right."
They were met by counter-protestors who tried to prevent the rally from progressing through the city, with violence eventually breaking out between the opposing groups.
A 32-year-old woman who was a part of the anti-fascist protest died after a car rammed into a crowd of people, injuring 19 other people. The car was driven by a suspected white supremacist.
The incident has been widely condemned by many American politicians but although President Trump condemned the violence, which he apportioned "on many sides", he ignored accusations that far-right groups were in favour of him and his policies.
This came after the President had failed to specifically criticise white supremacists, instead choosing to blame "many sides" in the conflict.
His ignorance of the question posed by the reporters was lambasted on social media, with many people believing that he is complicit in provoking the weekend's violence.
During his Presidential campaign, Trump used terms and phrases to condemn Muslims and immigrants that would potentially appeal to far-right groups.
On Saturday former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke was filmed in Charlottesville saying that the rally aims to "fulfil the promises of Donald Trump."
Trump's former communications director Anthony Scaramucci criticised the President and the statement, for not attacking the white nationalists.
He told ABC News:
I wouldn't have recommended that statement.
I think he would have need to have been much harsher.
That sentiment was echoed by many of Trump's fellow Republicans.
More: 7 things Donald Trump condemned faster than white supremacism
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