
Trump's infamous 'grab them by the p***y' video is playing on a loop next to the White House

It’s almost been a year since the Access Hollywood tape of that interview with Donald Trump was released.

If you're unfamiliar, it's the one where he said:

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab’em by the pussy.

Mr Trump brushed the comments off as 'locker room' banter and remarked that President Bill Clinton had done 'far worse'.

UltraViolet, a group dedicated to fighting sexism, are making sure that none of us forget the dismal chapter in American politics.

The group are planning to project the video onto a a 10 ft by 16 ft screen that will sit in-between the White House and the Washington Monument on Constitution Avenue.

For 12 hours.

In a statement to Newsweek, UltraViolet co-founder Shaunna Thomas said the installation main goal is to remind people of Trump’s “true colours”.

Donald Trump on that tape is the same Donald Trump that sits in the Oval Office every day, aggressively pursuing an anti-woman agenda, including the active dismantling of legal protections for survivors of sexual assault.

HT Newsweek

More: The 11 worst things Donald Trump has said about women

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