
Trump said that his 'great' UN speech 'was meant to get some laughter'

Yesterday, Donald Trump suffered one of his most embarrassing moments as president as the UN General Assembly flat out laughed at him.

During his speech in New York City, Trump claimed that his administration has already achieved more than "any other administration in the history of our country".

That prompted a lot of chuckles from the UN, clearly tickled by his wild boast. Trump was clearly flustered by this response replying:

Didn't expect that reaction but that's OK.

However, afterwards Trump wore the moment like a badge of honour, but in the process seems to have misunderstood the concept of "laughing at" and "laughing with".

After being asked about the laughter, Trump said:

Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

Fair enough. This presidency stuff doesn't seem to be going too well for Donnie, so maybe a career as a career stand-up comedian is his calling.

He also added that he was very happy with the speech:

I think [it went] really well, it's gotten very good reviews certainly and I think I went very well.​

Despite becoming a literal laughing stock you really have to admire Trump's ability to appear completely oblivious to his own failings.

Besides these few quotes, Trump hasn't found the time to tweet about the speech yet, but one person that did was Hillary Clinton's 2016 election running mate, Tim Kaine.

He quote retweeted an old Trump tweet from 2014, where he criticised Obama for being a laughing stock (oh the irony), with the words "I agree."

HT Mashable

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