Greg Evans
Jul 02, 2017

Olivier Douliery/Pool/Getty Images
It's been a long time coming.
Donald Trump has finally admitted that he might not be presidential.
On Saturday night, the current US President sent out a series of tweets defending his use of social media and attacking major news network CNN for their 'fake news' coverage.
This came after CNN retracted an article which alleged that one of Trump's aides was under investigation by Congress.
This is the sort of standard rant that we've come to expect from the former leader of the free world, the 45th President of the United States.
His next tweet at first seemed like a frank admission that he wasn't up to scratch.
Actually, he's just attempting to redefine the term "Presidential". Which is probably wise if you can't adhere to its actual meaning.
Typically, Twitter had very good responses to what a 'Modern Day President' consists of.
This comes at the end of another controversial week for the President.
On Thursday he launched a personal attack upon MSNBC Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinksi who had suggested that the White House had tried to blackmail them over their negative coverage of Trump.
These tweets were criticised by both Democrats and Republicans, although the White House did defend them.
More: Buzz Aldrin quoted Toy Story in front of Donald Trump. Then the President humiliated himself
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