
Donald Trump just called Jay-Z out on Twitter, but hasn’t said anything about Eminem

Cast your mind back to October 2017 when Eminem released a new song that directly criticised Donald Trump.

The a cappella freestyle rap titled 'The Storm' was shared via BET and quickly became a viral hit.

Listen to a censored version of the verse below.

Fast forward to this month and Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers III, once again took a verbal and expletive-ridden aim at the President.

In an interview with Billboardthe 45-year-old said:

I know that Hillary [Clinton] had her flaws, but you know what? Anything would have been better [than Trump].

A f**ing turd would have been better as a president. When I [put out 'The Storm'], I felt that everybody who was with him at that point doesn't like my music anyway.

I get the comparison with the non-political-correctness, but other than that, we’re polar opposites.

He made these people feel like he was really going to do something for them. It's just so f**king disgusting how divisive his language is, the rhetoric, the Charlottesville s**t, just watching it going, 'I can't believe he's saying this.'

Trump is yet to respond to Eminem's critiques in Billboard nor did he comment after the release of 'The Storm'.

There could be multiple reasons for Trump's silence - but he had a very different reaction when another rapper spoke out against him.

Highly influential rapper Jay-Z made a special appearance on the CNNprogram The Van Jones Show on Saturday.

During the interview, the 48-year-old Brooklyn native stated that Trump's now infamous alleged "sh**hole countries" comment was "disappointing and hurtful."

Later in the discussion, Van Jones asked Jay-Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, if it was acceptable for Trump to say things like this as long as the economy kept improving and people were earning money.

Jay-Z said that it wasn't and expanded his response to comment on how Trump treats people:

It's not about money at the end of the day. Money doesn't equate to happiness.

It doesn't. That's missing the whole point.

You treat people like human beings. That's the main point. 

It goes back to the whole thing -- 'Treat me really bad and pay me well.'

It's not going to lead to happiness, it's going to lead to, again, the same thing.

Everyone's going to be sick.

Just hours after the interview aired, Trump had already hit back at Jay-Z on Twitter to claim that black people in America have benefited from his policies.

This rapid response from the President is a stark contrast to his reaction to Eminem's explicit verbal outbursts, even though Jay-Z's comments could be seen as more thoughtful and considerate.

Journalist Parker Molloy pointed this out on Twitter and showed that Trump is yet to even mention Eminem in a tweet, while it took less than a day for him to respond to Jay-Z.

HT Parker Molloy

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