Greg Evans
Jul 01, 2017

Earlier this week Donald Trump had another controversial travel and refugee ban approved by the US Supreme Court.
The order will only exempt people that are considered to have a 'bona fide relationship' with a person or an organisation in the United States.
The guidelines set out by the Trump administration defines these close relationships as a parent, a spouse, a child, an adult son and daughter, a son or daughter-in-law or a sibling that is currently living in America.
Therefore the ban does apply to extended family members like grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, even fiances.
The executive order, which went into effect on Thursday evening, will prevent Muslims who don't fit these criteria from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria from entering America.
Understandably, Muslims from around the world were angered and upset by this new travel ban.
In response they have been tweeting pictures of their grandparents to show how ridiculous it is that they could possibly be considered a threat.
Some even tweeted their pictures directly to the President's Twitter account.
Following the outrage and confusion over what defined a 'close family member' the state of Hawaii found that the Trump administration had defined the ban to narrowly.
In a court filing the state found the the government had misinterpreted the order when they banned people who actually have a close family member who is currently a US citizen.
HT Buzzfeed
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