
Donald Trump might lose the election because he's spent too much money on hats


Donald Trump has spent more money on hats than polling in the lead up to next month's election.

According to a Washington Post report, based on Federal Election Commission findings, Donald Trump has spent $3.2 million (£2.6m) on hats from June 2015 to September 2016.

He's also spent around $15.3 million on collateral - shirts, hats, signs and the like - in this time period, according to the report.

Specifically, those Make America Great Again hats:

Picture:Picture: Matthew Busch/Getty Images

In comparison, he's spent only $1.8 million on polling in this time period.

Earlier this month, Trump told a rally crowd in Colorado Springs:

Even though we're doing pretty good in the polls, I don't believe the polls anymore. I don't believe them.

If there's ten, and if there's one or two bad ones, that's the only one they show. Believe me, folks, we're doing great. If we keep our spirit, and if we go out and win.

At the time, Hillary Clinton was beating him by an average of seven points nationally.

In August, Trump named Kellyanne Conway, a pollster, as his new campaign manager. She tried to push him towards more traditional campaign methods surrounding advertising, field operations and targeting key demographics, in order to get the vote out.

Earlier this month, Trump hired Breitbart's Steve Bannon as 'campaign CEO', effectively demoting Conway, while earlier this week rumours circulated that Conway had been fired among reports of discord.

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More: Trump's campaign spent a ridiculous amount of money on those stupid red hats

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