
Trump has a bizarre painting of himself and other presidents - you really need to see it for yourself

Another day, another completely bizarre development in the Trump presidency.

This week's strange occurrence came in the form of a televised interview with CBS's Leslie Stahl. During the interview, Trump refused to concede that climate change is being worsened by humans and denied mocking Dr Christine Blasey Ford - despite footage to the contrary.

But eagle-eyed viewers noticed something ridiculous in the background as Stahl and Trump walked through the White House.

The interview included a shot of a painting by Missouri-based artist Andy Thomas, which is called The Republican Club. The painting depicts a much-slimmed Trump alongside other republican presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, socialising in a group together.

The fact that the president of the United States has hung a painting of himself in the White House - originally based on an iconic image of a pack of dogs playing poker - has obviously drawn quite a reaction.

More: 5 most worrying things Trump said during his 60 minutes interview

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