
In 2016, Trump criticised Obama for campaigning instead of creating jobs. Guess what Trump was doing this week…

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Once again, Donald Trump is being haunted by the Ghost of Twitter Past.

This is a man with a penchant for firing off regrettable, incoherent and poorly spelt tweets with gleeful abandon.

So it's no surprise that he might live to regret some tweeting down the line.

But this one...

This is Trump in November 2016, throwing shade at Obama for campaigning for Hilary Clinton, instead of "creating jobs & fixing Obamacare?"

Now that Trump is in power, how is he spending his time?

This week he returned to the campaign trail with a rally in Florida.

Picture: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Not at all hypocritical.

In other news, Trump has thus far failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with "something terrific", as promised.

You could say he's creating jobs, but only because his staff keep quitting.

As we've said before...

More: Donald Trump's raging hypocrisy - in two tweets

More: Donald Trump's inauguration summed up in two tweets

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