Louis Dor
Mar 30, 2017

Justin Sullivan/Getty Image
In 2014, Barack Obama issued executive order 13673, otherwise known as the 'Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces' order.
The order required companies contracting with the federal government to comply with various federal laws and executive orders.
At the same time, he issued executive order 13672, which prohibited contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The move was broadly seen as a marker that the federal government valued the LGBT workforce and wanted to enshrine their rights.
On Monday, Donald Trump issued an executive order, which repealed order 13673, among others.
In essence, with the repeal he has made business less accountable with regards to LGBT rights, and has made the enforcement of order 13672 weaker.
Camilla Taylor, senior counsel at Lambda Legal, told Keen News Service:
It’s sending a message to these companies…that the federal government simply doesn’t care whether or not they violate the law.
Kate Kendell, the executive director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said in a statement:
President Trump’s quiet take-down yesterday of federal safeguards against employment discrimination for millions of LGBT Americans is yet another example of why our elected officials, advocates, and our community must remain vigilant and continue working together to stop this administration’s regressive and harmful policies.
Let's not forget, President Trump has also rolled back trans rights, and deleted the LGBT page from the White House website.
Also Trump:
That's beginning to look like a load of rubbish now, isn't it?
President Trump is at an all time low in the polls, and is currently experiencing the worst honeymoon period of a modern presidency.
Obama’s lowest ever weekly average in Gallup daily polling was a 40 approval rating, 54 disapprove in 2011. This resulted in a -14 net approval rating.
Trump’s last week running to the 28 March, was -17.4 net, 38.3 approval 55.7 disapprove.
Trump’s last week in office was already worse than Obama’s worst ever.
It's going to be a long four years. Maybe.
More: Donald Trump mocked Obama for his 39 per cent approval rating. Trump is now at 36 per cent
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