
Donald Trump Jr has a nickname for Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars and it's awful

Donald Trump Jr. has taken a break from complaining about not being able to find himself on Instagram and has taken to campaigning for Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars, instead.

That’s where we are at, ladies and gents.

Taking to Twitter, Spicer, who has swapped politics for glitter and frills, wrote:

Thanks to everyone who voted for me on @DancingABC last Monday. I need your votes again tonight. I dance last so please vote right at 8pm.

Not one to miss out on Twitter action, Donnie retweeted Spicer with the following comment:

Guys get on it. Spicy needs your help. RT


Needless to say, the entire Internet collectively cringed.

Humour followed...


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