
Donald Trump Jr compares list of his father's donors to the Dayton mass shooter's 'hit list'

In an appearance today on Fox & Friends, Donald Trump Jr made a controversial comparison between to the publication of a list people who had donated to the Trump campaign and a hit list belonging to a mass shooter.

The eldest son of the president weighed into the backlash that is being aimed at Rep. Joaquin Castro, the brother of Democratic candidate Julian Castro, who tweeted a list of donors from San Antonio, Texas who had given money to Trump's 2020 campaign.

In the tweet Castro, who is from San Antonio said that it was 'sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump' adding that 'their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as 'invaders.'

An irate Trump Jr, wasn't too happy about the publication of this list but rather than make a considered and article criticism of Castro, the 41-year-old instead equated it to a list belonging to the Dayton, Ohio shooter, who is high school had a list of classmates that he planned to 'kill and rape.'

Speaking to the Fox hosts he said:

I've seen what these things can go and what's going on with the Joaquin Castro craziness and putting out a list. I mean that list screams like the Dayton, Ohio shooter's list when a radical left-wing politician who is polling at about zero per cent does this for either attention or a call to action, that's pretty scary. That's the same thing that the Dayton, Ohio shooter did and people should be fed up of this nonsense.

Trump Jr added that if the 'fringe crazies on both sides see Now you are going after ordinary citizens, people who are just taking part in a political process'.

Imagine if I did that? Imagine if I shared Joaquin Castro's donors? Our people don't weaponise the political system in the same way.

We don't organise boycotts in the same way the left does but publishing these people's place of work...

They are literally trying to punish these individuals because they are scared of what we can do because people are excited about what is going on. 

Fox presenter Steve Doocy (or a producer in his ear), perhaps realising what Trump Jr said wasn't even remotely acceptable, attempted to draw a clear line between the two lists before the segment closed.

Trump Jr then tried to reply to this but was cut off as the broadcast went to a commercial break.

Response to Trump Jr's questionable comments has been swift and full of criticism for an otherwise needless comparison.

Since appearing on Fox, Trump Jr has tweeted and retweeted several messages about Castro, where he seemed to double down on his on-air comments.

More: Trump Jr is releasing a book and it is already being mercilessly mocked with memes

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