
Trump and Macron's record-breaking handshake is excruciating to watch

Donald Trump has a history of peculiar handshakes but we reckon he might have just topped even his best/worst...

The US President has finished a state visit to France, where he has been exchanging pleasantries with the French President Emmanuel Macron.

The duo, along with the wives Melania Trump and Brigitte Macron, were enjoying the Bastille Day celebrations on the Champs-Élysées on Friday afternoon.

Towards the end of the ceremony, when they were on street level, Trump and Macron exchanged a handshake and all hell broke loose.

Things started off fairly normal.

Picture:Picture: CNN

Trump: 'Good strong handshake you got there Emmanuel. Kind of thing I like to see. Very nice!'

Macron: 'Why thank you Mr. President. I have been practising'.

From there, things turned into a weird macho competition between the pair and it went on for way, way too long.

Picture:Picture: CNN

Macron maintained a firm grip even when trying to divert Trump's attention elsewhere, but Trump wasn't having any of it.

He's practically pulling him over and by the looks of their faces they knew exactly what was happening.



As the handshake progressed, TV cameras provided a birds-eye-view - and we can see that it has evolved into a firm palm-on-palm clench. Manly!


No surrender!


Then this is where we truly realised that we were witnessing an extreme tussle of testosterone. As Brigitte leaned in for a kiss, Trump maintained the grasp.


Macron looked like he was fuming on the inside.


If you didn't think this could become more preposterous, allow us to introduce you to the horror of THE TRIPLE HANDSHAKE!


They just weren't going let go were they?


Thankfully Melania saw sense and didn't get involved. She's probably used to this sort of thing by now.


Finally, after a gruelling 25 seconds they finally let go, but not before Trump gave Macron a little pat on the hand. We're not quite sure what that's meant to symbolise.


They just couldn't keep their hands to themselves, giving each other a pat on the back after the initial handshake was over.


Just when you thought it was all over, Macron leans back in for another little handshake and a hug. We dare not speculate what was whispered in Trump's ear.


The clip even ended on a handshake, and is that a pointed finger we see? Goodness!


It's safe to say that neither men's lives would be the same after this moment.



HT Twitter

More: Donald Trump's handshake has been beaten again

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