
indy100 / Datawrapper
Former reality TV star and current president, Donald Trump's approval ratings are the lowest in recorded history, according to the latest data.
A recent survey, undertaken by CNN and ORC International, was comprised of telephone interviews with 1,002 adult Americans between January 31st and February 2nd.
The results show that Trump has an initial approval rating of only 44 per cent.
Compare this to President Obama's initial approval rating of 76 per cent, or indeed Reagan's 51 per cent.
Of course, Trump has immediately dismissed the poll as 'fake news', comparing them to election polls.
It's unclear whether he's implying that CNN has falsified the response data, or whether he's dismissing polls as legitimate news gathering method in general.
But the results are wholly comparable to a similar poll by Gallup, which as of the 2nd of February had Trump's approval rating at 43 per cent.
In fact, the Gallup data has Trump as the first president in modern history with a majority disapproval, at 52 per cent - the same as the CNN poll.
One could argue that this initial disapproval rating is due to the fact that only 45.9 per cent of the population actually voted for him.
It could also be reflective of his incredible divisiveness, and remarkable unpopularity among those who did not vote for him.
Or, it could suggest that his popularity even among supporters is on the wane.
The latest data from Gallup suggests that his disapproval rating is actually on the rise, up 3 per cent in the last few days.
Another Gallup poll showed that about half of Americans think Trump is moving too fast.
Only 37 per cent of respondents supported his indefinite suspension of the Syrian refugee program.
According to Gallup:
Trump is not enjoying the type of honeymoon that the American public accorded his predecessors in their first weeks in office.
Trump's initial job approval rating was the lowest in Gallup history, and a majority of Americans continue to disapprove of the job he is doing.
So Trump can continue to dismiss the polls as 'fake news', and snipe at Arnold Schwarzenegger's ratings on The New Celebrity Apprentice.
But it seems that the odds are not in his favour.
More: Two charts that show how awful Donald Trump's approval ratings really are
More: Here's what Americans think of Trump's executive orders so far
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