Greg Evans
Oct 16, 2018

Donald Daters/NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images/Twitter
We all know that being a Donald Trump fan isn't the coolest look, but everyone deserves to have that special someone in their lives.
Yet a lot of young Trump supporters have already found it difficult to find dates, either out and about or online.
So, the only alternative to this problem is to invent their own dating network where their love of the president can go unchallenged and without scrutiny.
Donald Daters is such a site where their right-wing inclinations can flourish (just like they do everywhere else on the internet) and maybe, just maybe, they'll find the person of their dreams.
It also has the witty and innovative tagline of 'Make America Date Again.' We wonder how long it took them to come up with that?
A description of the app reads:
Donald Daters is an American-based singles community connecting lovers, friends, and Trump supporters alike.
Many on the Left chose party over love, stopping any date if the other user is a supporter of our president.
Unfortunately for them, things haven't worked out so well as upon its launch, all sorts of data, private information and messages from the users have been linked online due to a 'misconfigured database'.
This was discovered by security researcher Baptiste Robert, also known as Elliot Alderson, who shared some of his findings of the app on Twitter.
Robert's findings were shared with Motherboard, who also report that they set up their own profiles on the app just to verify that the data had come from Donald Daters.
However, much like Tinder, the users can only send messages to each other if they have matched.
There is an option to pay $29.99 a month, or a yearly subscription of $9.99 a month, but as people are apparently discovering, there aren't many others who are using the app.
Motherboard claims that one message that they found said:
Yes, but I don’t see literally anybody on this app… What did I just pay for?
In addition, like many apps, Donald Daters uses your Facebook profile to log in to gather information about you and your friends and find mutual friends that you might have on the app.
It's worth noting that it does state in its privacy policy:
We do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information, or searches, or other information will always remain secure.
Yet, ironically in it's frequently asked questions section:
All your personal information is kept private.
We encourage safe online dating so please be sure not to share any private information on your profile before vetting anyone you may be interested in meeting in our community.
So, just like in real dating, they are giving out mixed messages.
Unfortunately for those lonely Trump fans out there, the dating landscape is still proving to be just as turbulent as their president's time in office.
HT Mashable
More: There is now a dating site for people who oppose Donald Trump​

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