Wil Jones
Mar 17, 2017

Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Rachael Maddow announced she’d obtained some of Donald Trump’s tax returns and was going to reveal their contents on her show.
However, just as the show was going on air, the White House released a statement confirming that the show's data was accurate.
Ultimately, the reveal did little to prove anything either way, since it was only the return for one year, over a decade ago, and Trump did pay $38 million in taxes for that 12 months.
Now however, there is a growing theory that the White House themselves were behind the leak.
Obviously, by leaking a return where everything is all above board would make Trump look good, without making them look like they caved to public pressure.
But the theory goes deeper - and it involves Melania.
User Kae Digital on Twitter explains:
US naturalization checklist requires the last five years of tax returns OR the last three years ore turns if married to an American citizen – 2003 single, 2004 single, 2005 joint with Donald Trump.
They then go on to allege:
That is why the Trump administration leaked the 1040 form from 2005 – it was the only year that he was forced to play by the rules
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