
Tory MP Dominic Raab is being compared to Alan Partridge after releasing this awkward video

Tory leadership hopeful Dominic Raab has released his new campaign ad, but unfortunately for him, all anyone can focus on is his Alan Partridge-esqe head-turn at the beginning.

The 45-year-old stepped into the leadership race by releasing a video to his 50,000 Twitter followers yesterday afternoon, in which he set out a desire to end 'consumer rip-offs' and to help young people get on the housing ladder as part of his plan for 'fairness'.

However, somewhat bizarrely, at the beginning of the clip, he turned his face to the camera in a way that's similar to the comic character Steve Coogan.

Some Twitter users began wondering what exactly Raab was looking at at the beginning of the clip.

And wondered if he'd been distracted by an extreme moment of 'fairness'.

Or maybe some ball games.

The future?

The south coast?

Calais. He's finally spotted Calais.

Errmmmm... no comment.

Hey! Hey! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!.... you get the picture.

Boris!? Maybe Boris.

Nope, it was the 87 bus. Been waiting for that bad boy for ages!

Dogs doing the dirty.

It's obviously Rory Stewart! That's who.

It's all pretty... old school.

Others just ran with the Partridge joke.

HT The Sun

More: Dominic Raab said he's been fighting for 'fairness' his entire life and the internet reacted accordingly

More: Dominic Raab claimed he was a 'details man' and people were quick to point out the obvious

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