
52 of the most stunned reactions to Dominic Cummings rambling excuse for breaking lockdown

Dominic Cummings gave a statement to the public following the uproar that he broke lockdown rules twice while and his wife had coronavirus symptoms.

The key adviser to Boris Johnson explained why he had made a 260 mile trip from London to Durham to seek help and childcare from his parents.

Cummings recounted why he had taken this journey which many have interpreted as unnecessary when so many have followed the government's advice and refrained from visiting loved one, even those who had been infected with Covid-19.

Cummings was initially supposed to give the statement in the Downing Street rose garden at 3 pm then it was moved to 4 pm but Cummings didn't appear until gone 4:30. As you can imagine people were in uproar that he had basically kept the nation waiting on a Bank Holiday afternoon.

Once Cummings was in place to talk he soon found himself being drowned out by a noise in the background, which was almost definitely from a protestor outside of Downing Street.

Cummings then gave a very long statement and explanation which was hardly the most interesting thing that anyone had ever heard and included a quite frankly amazing reason for testing his eyesight.

Then came questions from the press which were also a jamboree of fun and political insight.

Of course there were Simpsons memes. There are always Simpsons memes.

Mercifully it was then all over. This from comedian Josh Berry probably sums it all up.

I think it's safe to say that we learned many things and possibly nothing at all.

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