
This dog takes the bus to the park every day and even has her own bus pass

SeattlecityMisfit / reddit

Sick of waking up every day to more dystopian-like news?

Worrying election results, the polar ice caps melting and abusive people on Twitter - it's all too much to handle sometimes.

Ladies and gentlemen, if the world is weighing heavy on your shoulders, we have the perfect antidote.

The story was posted on the /aww/ subreddit by SeattlecityMisfit - and it is legitimately aww-worthy.

Eclipse's intrepid dogginess captured the hearts and minds of many:

And others commended the civic-minded Eclipse for proper use of a bus pass:

This user speaks for all of us.

More: 'Saddest cat in the world' that nobody wanted has been adopted - and look how great he looks now

More: Talking to your dog is a sign of intelligence

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