Hani Richter
Oct 26, 2016

Screenshot Youtube/ Fox 10 Phoenix
A man attended a Trump rally in Sanford, Florida on Tuesday in full doctor attire.
The man came dressed in a lab coat and stethoscope, which caught the eye of several viewers. He even waved while Trump gave a speech on America’s security, the proposed border wall with Mexico and technology.
The doctor didn’t have any normal stethoscope, no; he had a gold one which people observantly pointed out. One man questioned the doctor's authenticity, asking: “What are the odds that the guy standing behind Trump with a stethoscope is actually a doctor?”
Some even speculated that the doctor was there to keep an eye out for Trump – in case of an emergency. Whereas, others claimed the doctor was in such a hurry to get to the Trump rally that he escaped surgery. The doctor did hear Trump criticise Obamacare, he said that it was “blowing up”.
Florida is one of the many crucial states in the election. Currently the polls show that Hillary has a +3.3 lead over Trump.
Trump has also acknowledged that he can’t win the election without winning Florida, according to the Washington Post.
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