
David Cameron has said 'you ain't no Muslim, bruv' and no one is coping at all well

David Cameron has said 'you ain't no Muslim, bruv' and no one is coping at all well

After the words shouted by an onlooker at Leytonstone Tube station on Saturday evening caught the imagination of a defiant nation, the hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv trended across the UK on Sunday.

Addressing the attack, in which three people were injured, prime minister David Cameron admitted that no words he said could sum up the situation better than those used by the man in the video.

At a speech in the Midlands on Monday, Mr Cameron said:

Some of us have dedicated speeches and media appearances, and soundbites and everything to this subject but 'you ain't no Muslim, bruv' said it all, much better than I ever could and thank you [to the person who said it originally] because that will be applauded all around the country.

People had been anticipating the moment the Eton-educated prime minister would adopt London slang for at least 24 hours

News broke in text form that he had uttered the words

But video was painfully slow in emerging


No one was quite sure how to react

Lots just wanted it to stop immediately

Others just couldn't cope

The death of a hashtag in six seconds

More: 'You ain't no Muslim, bruv' is the most London response to the Leytonstone Tube attack

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